Home Plate by Lindsey

Brand Identity

About this project:

Home Plate by Lindsey is where individual softball pitching lessons meet mindful chef services, seamlessly blending two distinct disciplines through the founder’s inspiring coaching philosophy. Lindsey, a coach both on the mound and in the kitchen, infuses her teachings with a spirit that uplifts and empowers, guiding her clients toward improvement in all aspects of their lives.

The challenge was to encapsulate this unique dual service in a brand identity that resonates with both athletes and culinary enthusiasts alike. At first glance, the services might seem unrelated, but they converge on a common theme: nurturing growth and fostering a robust foundation, whether in sports or nutrition.

The name “Home Plate by Lindsey” cleverly plays on words, combining the home plate in softball with the dining plate of culinary arts. The logos marry these elements, featuring a beet symbolizing growth, solid roots, and natural foods, which stands in for the “o” in “Home,” while the base itself is designed like a softball home plate. The logo type rests on an upward slant, symbolizing progression and forward movement, and the beet appears rooted on the ground, emphasizing stability and groundedness.

For a personal touch, the word ”Lindsey” is rendered in an energetic script, reflecting the personal commitment and passion Lindsey brings to her roles. The color palette is deeply thought out: burgundy represents the beet, evoking power and spirituality; charcoal gray offers a strong yet earthy contrast, suggesting strength and mystery; and a dark copper tan adds an additional layer of earthiness, enhancing the themes of growth and home.

Typography plays a crucial role in bringing cohesion to the brand. A bold, energetic headline pairs with clean, flexible body copy and a sparingly used script font to inject energy and interest. This pattern of meaningful elements weaves together to tell the compelling story of Home Plate by Lindsey. The illustration style is deliberately distressed, presenting an earthy and gritty appearance that echoes the authentic, hands-on nature of Lindsey’s coaching and cooking.

Creating the brand identity for Home Plate by Lindsey was not just about aesthetic design—it was about crafting a narrative that reflects the transformative impact of Lindsey’s coaching. This identity does more than just look good; it communicates Lindsey’s dedication to nurturing her clients’ bodies and spirits, helping them excel in sport and health. This holistic approach ensures that Home Plate by Lindsey stands out as a beacon of growth and personal achievement.


Dance Studio Brand Identity